Steam link linux
Steam link linux

Hopefully Valve releases an 64 bit build, Gotcha, my apologies, still kind of a linux noob. You would need to downgrade to a 32bit build if that is the case or try to satisfy its 32bit requirements manually whatever they may be. Looking through posts, it does however appear that it does not have a 64bit build and seems to not run on 64bit installs. Try the deb file, if it doesn't work, then you will need to obtain the file from the Raspbian repos and try it or use Raspbian, as I don't see it in any other mainstream repositories at. Looks like they specifically target Raspbian Stretch however.

steam link linux

I believe that is for targeting repositories.Īccording to this post on Steam website, its available for the "Raspberry Pi 3B and 3B+ running Raspbian Stretch".Īccording to a google search and the steamlink section on steam, it should be available in the Raspbian repository for the Pi 4.

steam link linux

I only ask cause some people have had success with such.

Steam link linux